Sales pitches – we’ve all received them. Some of them get right to the point, clearly indicating the what, how, and why of a product or service. Others rely more on human psychology to persuade a customer toward the sale. The best sales pitches combine these methods, incentivizing the customer with the promise of success. Believe it or not, however, sometimes pitching a product or service directly isn’t the best way to generate sales.

You might wonder how companies can earn any revenue without making a pitch. After all, a good pitch seems like the most direct way to generate sales leads, which eventually means more revenue. But some people don’t respond to conventional sales pitches. And sometimes, these pitches aren’t even necessary to begin with. To explain this further, let’s examine five strategies for sparking revenue without even making a pitch.

1. Pose a Problem

No matter what you’re selling or how you’re selling it, any viable product must address a problem. This problem can be a tiny inconvenience or a major obstacle. The key here is to clearly state what that problem is and why it’s necessary to solve it. A traditional sales pitch usually begins by doing just this. However, a business can simply discuss an issue without immediately pitching a solution, and still benefit from the awareness.

To put it more simply, sometimes people aren’t aware of a problem until it’s stated and explored in detail. If a business’ products and services address a certain problem, it should try to bring that problem into the public eye by crafting blog posts, posting on social media, and sharing news stories. As awareness grows, more people will begin to look for solutions. This brings us to strategy #2.

2. Suggest Solutions

Once people are thinking about a problem, you want to step in and suggest solutions to said problem. Doing so will help make you an authority in this space and build trust with the community. The solutions you put forth in social media posts and blogs should directly relate to the goods and services you provide, of course. Again, you’re not making a direct sales pitch to anyone, but rather gaining new leads and enhancing your reputation. At the same time, you can advertise your products within your content, leading consumers to your items.

3. Show, Don’t Tell

Now, if you’re working on cold calling lead generation or writing blog posts, these mediums require that you speak or write about your products. However, visually presenting your offerings makes more of an impression. Try to lead your listener or reader to video content and/or real-life demonstrations of your products and services. Allowing your company to speak for itself through its creations is the most effective way to spark revenue without making a single pitch.

4. “Free” Means Foot in the Door

At first, “free” seems antithetical to making revenue. But complimentary samples or services are powerful tools for getting attention, landing potential leads, building trust and loyalty, and convincing consumers of the value your business can bring. Best of all, customers have nothing to lose when trying something out for free. You won’t have to make a pitch or persuade anyone of anything. People will come to you, and even if a small percentage of them come back for more, you’ve increased your sales base without pitching anything.

5. Open Up

This goes for all aspects of business operations, but especially for lead generation and increasing revenues. The more open your company is, the more people you will reach. Be open to receiving criticism, open to sharing information about the industry and your business, open to engaging with the community, etc. The more transparent and engaged your company is, the more trustworthy and notable it will become. You won’t have to make as many sales pitches because consumers and potential partners will already know a thing or two about your company, its mission, and its offerings.

A good sales pitch can certainly land you more business. But there are plenty of additional ways to increase revenue without directly making a pitch. If you’re looking for more advice on how to generate sales leads in unique ways, ProScout Lead Generation is here to help. Contact us at our Chattanooga or Nashville offices to learn more about our services and mission!

About the Author

Chris Turley has over a decade of experience in Business Development and is Founder & Lead Specialist of ProScout Lead Generation Services.

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